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Teacher of drawing and painting. Member of the International Academy Greci Marino (Italy).

Member of the Group of painters Art and Color (Barcelona). Founding member of l'Agrupació Artistic Painter Baix Camp (Tarragona).


2000 Torantos Gallery, Barcelona, Gallery San Mario, Barcelona Exhibition Hall Infant Pere, l'Hospitalet de l'Infant (Tarragona) Oden's Gallery, Tarragona: Esart...

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See everything we offer you!
39.37 x 31.50 in
35.43 x 31.50 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
35.43 x 45.67 in
66.93 x 35.43 in
23.62 x 31.50 in
45.67 x 39.37 in
25.59 x 21.65 in
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Teacher of drawing and painting. Member of the International Academy Greci Marino (Italy).

Member of the Group of painters Art and Color (Barcelona). Founding member of l'Agrupació Artistic Painter Baix Camp (Tarragona).


2000 Torantos Gallery, Barcelona, Gallery San Mario, Barcelona Exhibition Hall Infant Pere, l'Hospitalet de l'Infant (Tarragona) Oden's Gallery, Tarragona: Esart Gallery, Barcelona, City Hall, Pamplona. 2001 Room Hotel Mirallac, Banyoles (Girona), Associazione

Locchi Culturale in Arts, Rome (Italy) Esart Gallery, Barcelona, Sala de l'Esglesia Vella de Mont-Roig del Camp, Tarragona; I International d'Arts Plastiques, Girona Oden's Gallery, Tarragona, Sala Agora, Cambrils ( Tarragona). 2002 CLUG Exhibition Hall Golf Bon-Mont, Mont-Roig (Tarragona); Gallery Oden's, Tarragona, Gallery Prisma, Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona), Gallery d'Art Ismes, Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona). 2003 Esart Gallery, Barcelona, Gallery Talaverano Manuela, Sevilla. 2004 Galleria Centro Storico Firenze, Italy; Gallery Artec, Castelldefels (Barcelona). 2005 Gallery

d'Art Ismes, Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona), College of Physicians, Barcelona, Gallery Cebriart, Barcelona, Gallery Christi Couderc, Paris. 2006 Galleria Centro Storico Firenze,

Italy Federico García Lorca Cultural Center, El Vendrell (Tarragona) Art Fair in Madrid, Sala Onex, Barcelona. 2007 Hibiscus Gallery, Lisbon Esart Gallery, Barcelona. 2008 Camden Art Gallery, London.


Diploma and trophy I International d'Arts Plastiques, Sant Jaume de Lierca 2002, Girona.

Diploma III Trofeo d'hivern Assart Salo 2002, Barcelona.

XXI Award for Painting, Vila de Cambrils 2001.

I selected the Fundació Jaume Perelló Painting Biennial, 2001, Lleida.

Diploma of Merit and Medal of Salo d'hivern Assart II 2001, Barcelona.

Selected in the V Painting Prize Echaide Malon of 2000. Navarra.

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